Carl Emil von Lorck: Nacktheit als Lebensausdruck in der bildenden Kunst (ca. 1920)

– p. 51: copy after fig. 56 ‘Negerskulptur’ and sketch of an ornament.

– p. 53: copy of the frieze of the resurrected after fig. 58 ‘Portaltympanon, Autun’.

– p. 56: copy after fig. 62 ‘Verona. St. Zeno, Broncetür’.

– p. 62: copy after fig. 69 ‘Auferstehende. Parma, Baptisterium’.

– p. 63: copy after fig. 71 ‘Erschaffung Evas. Modena, Dom’.

– p. 71: copy after fig. 80 ‘Rogier van der Weyden: Vertreibung. Madrid, Prado’.

– p. 101: schematic copy after fig. 117 ‘Michelangelo: Pietà. Rom, Pal. Rondanini’.

– p. 103: schematic copy after fig. 120 ‘Tizian: Adam und Eva. Madrid, Prado’.

– p. 114: copy after the enthroned Hippocrates from a mural in the crypt of the cathedral at Agnani, c. 1250, after plate VIII of Vitzthum: Malerei und Plastik des Mittelalters in Italien (see GS 193).

– p. 134: schematic copy after fig. 159 ‘Velasquez, Mars. Madrid, Prado’.

– Note on p. 137: legible: [...] Rodin [...].

– p. 139: copy after fig. 166 ‘Rembrandt: Christus an der Säule. Darmstadt, Landesmuseum’.

– p. 140: copy after plate XIV ‘Rembrandt: Bathseba. Paris, Louvre’.

– p. 170: copy after fig. 206 ‘Idolino, 4. Jahrhundert, Florenz’.

– p. 177: pendant to fig. 211 ‘Venus vom Esquilin. Rom, Konservatorenpalast’.

The book is held in the library of the Kunsthaus Zürich with the reference code P 231:7

To arrange a viewing, contact; prior appointment required

Pencil on paper
Kunsthaus Zürich, Alberto Giacometti-Stiftung, Donated by Bruno and Odette Giacometti, 1998
Object number
GS 188