Bust of a Man on a Base, c. 1948
Buste dʼhomme sur socle

The bust was modelled directly in plaster on an armature embedded in the base. Subsequently, Giacometti painted the entire surface and signed the back of the base.

The head was not moulded during his lifetime, but served as a template for two documentary plaster casts in 1979.

Plaster, painted
31.2 x 9.5 x 8.5 cm
Kunsthaus Zürich, Alberto Giacometti-Stiftung, Donated by Bruno and Odette Giacometti, 2006
Object number
GS 310
inscr.on the lower back side: Alberto Giacometti
  • Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft | Kunsthaus Zürich (Museum), ab 2006, Leihgabe
  • Alberto Giacometti-Stiftung (Sammlung), 2006, Geschenk
  • Bruno und Odette Giacometti, Nachlass
  • Alberto Giacometti